
Welcome to the Living Proof Bible Fellowship class blog. We are a group of Christians who do not mainly want to be known for what we believe, but more importantly, be known for how we live. Our main goal is to glorify Christ through our lives, being "Living Proof" of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are "Living Proof" King Jesus is alive, actively ruling all things and is coming again for His Church!

We invite you to browse the blog for regular real time updates regarding class information and church activities. We are currently meeting in room B-1315 at 9:30am and would love to have you join us.

Teachers are: Mike Kuckel, Rob McDonald, and Mike Stiles.

Questions, Needs or Concerns please email –


We are here to serve you! Thanks and enjoy the blog.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Overcoming Fear

This Sunday we will be studying Psalms 56. The topic of the lesson is fear and we will be looking at the key to overcoming our fears. Since we all face fears this will be a lesson that everyone can benefit from. I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

God Bless,
Mike Stiles

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Reasons to Praise God

This Sunday we will be studying Psalms 135. We will be talking about why we should praise God and looking at several reasons that come out of Psalms 135 (ex/ We praise God for his _____!). We will be breaking the class up into small discussion groups and there will be a contest with prizes given to the winning group (whoever comes up with the most reasons from Psalms 135:1-14 to praise God). So start studying the passage now. It should be a lot of fun! I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

God Bless,
Mike Stiles

Friday, September 11, 2009

Advocacy Video

Travis Tuten from our class put this video together for a couple serving in a restricted area of South Asia. Watch it!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

GIC - Missions Conference at First North

With the GIC quickly approaching I thought these short videos might help get us prepared and into the right mind set for what God is looking to accomplish this year during our conference. These are all short but convicting.

May God get all the glory...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Prayer and the Sovereignty of God

This Sunday we will be wrapping up of study of the book of James. The lesson is about prayer and we will be taking a look at only one verse (James 5:16) which says "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective". We will be talking about some of the most common questions concerning prayer such as:

1) What is the purpose of prayer?
2) Why do we pray?
3) What are the rules for prayer?
4) Does prayer changes things?
5) Does prayer change God's mind?
6) How should we approach God in prayer?
7) What is the proper way to pray?

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

God Bless,
Mike Stiles

Saturday, August 22, 2009

God Resists the Proud

We are studying James chapter four this week. My prayer is that the Word has made an impact on you this week in your relationships with others and your relationship to God. He is calling us to draw near to Him. He is calling us to obedience. He is calling us to humility.

In commenting on James 4, Matthew Henry says, "The proud resist God: in their understanding they resist the truths of God ; in their will they resist the laws of God; in their passions they resist the providence of God; therefore, no wonder that God resists the proud."

May we come humbly before Him on Sunday. Until then,

Your brother,
Mike Kuckel