
Welcome to the Living Proof Bible Fellowship class blog. We are a group of Christians who do not mainly want to be known for what we believe, but more importantly, be known for how we live. Our main goal is to glorify Christ through our lives, being "Living Proof" of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are "Living Proof" King Jesus is alive, actively ruling all things and is coming again for His Church!

We invite you to browse the blog for regular real time updates regarding class information and church activities. We are currently meeting in room B-1315 at 9:30am and would love to have you join us.

Teachers are: Mike Kuckel, Rob McDonald, and Mike Stiles.

Questions, Needs or Concerns please email –


We are here to serve you! Thanks and enjoy the blog.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Overcoming Fear

This Sunday we will be studying Psalms 56. The topic of the lesson is fear and we will be looking at the key to overcoming our fears. Since we all face fears this will be a lesson that everyone can benefit from. I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

God Bless,
Mike Stiles